Friday, April 5, 2013


There have been some wonderful TED talks over the years about almost any subject by artists, educators, business leaders, lawyers and more.  Ted Talks are very well organized
 and can be found at their own web site, Youtube, iOS apps, and even as podcast at iTunes and iTunes U .  In the past two years they have added a new section called TED ED which takes some of the talks from the past and even new talks and enhanced the talks with questions, the permission to edit, add to, and enhance for your use in the classroom.  Here is the short introduction to TED ED.

The reason I am revisiting this is that recently David Warlick wrote a post about "Exploring the Ocean" which was a great video to show biology students about the diversity of ocean life.

 For each talk, you have video of each talk a section to meet the creators, which include the speaker, director, artist, producers and more. "Think" link are multiple choice questions for each video that students can answer.  "Dig Deeper" is links to resources that provide additional information about the topic being discussed.  And some also have a "Discuss" section which is a guided questions about the video.

And best of all, it is free.  On a side note, I stumbled across a talk somewhere that said, "TedxAnchorage" and went "There's a TED conference in Anchorage?"  A little research and found the facebook page and saw that it has been happen for at least the past three years at the end of January and is free and open to the public to attend.  These talks have a distinct Alaska slant to them and the issues that Alaskans face throughout the state.

Additional Resources:

The most watched TED Talks.

TED Talks based on Subject

YouTube Channels

One last video 4 minute video about a 6th grader who writes and sells his own apps.

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